WEAK TIES: What They Are and Why They Are So Important


Today’s post is less about design trends and color stories, but about an incredibly important life skill that I have learned throughout my life. Growing up, I was always around people with different cultures, backgrounds, and personality types. This introduction to so many people at a young age directly translated to the many opportunities I had that others my age may not have. I give 100% of the credit for this to my parents, who were masters at keeping many “weak ties.”  

So what exactly is a “weak tie?” A weak tie by definition is “a type of interpersonal tie that is arguably responsible for the majority of the embeddedness and structure of social networks in society as well as the transfer of information” (Mark Granovetter). Simply put, a weak tie is a relationship or connection you have with someone that isn’t as crucial as a significant other, best friend, or family member.

WEAK TIES- What They Are and Why They Are So Important


All throughout life we are told the importance of networking, especially in our university years when everyone is scrambling for opportunities. What is not emphasized enough is fostering these relationships over time and making relationships meaningful. Because let’s be honest, who really wants to work with, hire, or help someone that they don’t have a consistent relationship with. Rather than going to the other person when you need something, try and keep the weak tie present for a sustained period of time. Everyone is more likely to be receptive of a simple favor when they feel like they know the person asking.

Technology is one new way that anyone can keep more weak ties in their interpersonal connections. While social media is constantly being slammed in the media for destroying social skills and relationships, I think it is an exceptional tool for fostering weak ties. Many of us forget how powerful these various social networks are at keeping us engaged, connected, and visible to the people around us. Those who are smart with their social media use know that in many ways it can simplify and accelerate our ability to benefit from weaker social ties. Sometimes a simple reply to an Instagram story or a meaningful comment on someone’s last post is all it takes to keep these ties flourishing.

WEAK TIES- What They Are and Why They Are So Important
WEAK TIES- What They Are and Why They Are So Important
Sometimes a simple reply to an Instagram story or a meaningful comment on someone’s last post is all it takes to keep these ties flourishing.

In a world that is constantly reminding us that “it’s not what you know but WHO you know,” it becomes more and more important to foster these weak ties as much as possible. The next time you have the thought “I wonder how (insert name here) is doing,” don’t let it slip away. Turn it into an action with a quick call, text, or DM because you never know where a “weak tie” can have a strong impact on your life.

WEAK TIES- What They Are and Why They Are So Important