4 Ways to Stay Sane Amidst the Coronavirus Crisis

4 Ways to Stay Sane Amidst the Coronavirus Crises

Coming to you live from my desk, day three of social distancing! Schools are on lockdown, stores have closed their doors, and millions of people (including myself) are working from home and a bit worried about what the future looks like in a COVID-19 world. When I shot these photos in my living room a few weeks ago, I thought this post might be about some lighthearted lifestyle topic, having no idea that only a few weeks later, we would all be living in a real-life version of that movie Contagion…

All jokes aside, I know many are panicked, scared, and uncertain of what the next few months will bring. It can be tempting to want to place blame, think worse case scenarios, and panic at times like these. Typically, I try not to let external circumstances stop me in my tracks, but it seems like no one is immune to the anxiety caused by this pandemic. What I have found is that there are a few key steps we can all take to keep our sanity while cooped up inside through the chaos that is COVID-19. I've shared some of my top four tips below.

4 Ways to Stay Sane Amidst the Coronavirus Crises
4 Ways to Stay Sane Amidst the Coronavirus Crises



1.     Keep as much of a routine as possible.

I feel like this step is CRITICAL! As creatures of habit (aka humans), routines offer structure and stability. These forms of structure give us a sense of security, something we could all use in circumstances that seem to be changing with each refresh of the news app. Routines can be as small as making your bed, brewing your morning coffee, or listening to your usual commute podcast or playlist (even though you are not leaving the house). My most significant routine, which I have found has been keeping me motivated and sane through all this chaos, is getting dressed in the morning. While other people may use this working-from-home period to wear sweatpants and hoodies, you'll find me inside in full looks. Why? One of my favorite parts of the day is putting on what I call my "armor." By getting fully dressed, even while working from home, I get the same "complete" feeling I would if I were going into the office for work or heading to school for class. Fashion and clothing are also something that just makes me happy and are big parts of who I am. By focusing on the little things that bring us joy day-to-day, we allow ourselves to be ready when the negative and scary aspects of the world come our way.

Prada Shirt from Seasons NY

Prada Shirt from Seasons NY

4 Ways to Stay Sane Amidst the Coronavirus Crises

2.     Focus on what you can control, not what you can't.

Who could have seen this coming?! Well, maybe Bill Gates and all the scientists who warned us about the next pandemic. In all seriousness, the current situation we are in is a great example of the uncontrollable aspects of life. While we all want to plan our lives and be 100% in control, the reality is that there is so much that is out of our hands. As much as I sometimes hate this sad reality, I would also say that the unexpected aspects of life are what make it real, exciting, and authentic! When there is so much that is uncontrollable, there is no point in exerting our energy into those things. What difference does it make? Much of the time stressing over the uncontrollable will only lead to increased anxiety, fear, and stress. It's important to stay aware of the situation at hand as much as possible, but overexerting your mental energy on the uncontrollable will have you going crazy after a while. Instead of focusing on what is out of our hands, redirect that energy into positives that you can control. This includes your actions, responses to things, and overall mindset.

3.     Know when to unplug, delete, and disconnect.

This may be an unpopular opinion, but know when to disconnect. While it's important to stay informed, please don't do it to the detriment of your mental health. The news can be a weapon for good, but also a wormhole of negativity and fearmongering. Don't feel guilty if you become drained watching the news, scrolling through social media, or talking to friends who want to only complain about the current circumstances. You must protect your mind at all costs. If you are looking for the big picture news and scientifically backed facts, I'd recommend staying on top of the CDC’s website and social media handles.

You must protect your mind at all costs.
4 Ways to Stay Sane Amidst the Coronavirus Crises

4.     Use the time to explore something new!

If you are fortunate enough to be safely inside and healthy, you have uninterrupted personal time! Look at it as a blessing and use it to learn a new skill from YouTube or start that new book you have been putting off reading. I recently watched a video interview with an Italian woman currently on lockdown due to the virus, saying that "we always complain about never having enough time for ourselves, this is now our chance." I thought that this perspective was incredibly inspiring, given the circumstances she was in. She reminded me to look at the glass half full, rather than half empty. I'll personally be using this time to do what I am doing right now, producing content! While I know today's post was a bit more serious; I'm excited to bring some lighthearted fashion and lifestyle content over the coming weeks. Let me know what you would want to see by leaving a comment, or DM’ing me on Instagram.

I know this time can feel super scary, but let's remember we are all in this together. I hope everyone stays safe and healthy indoors, and remember… WASH YOUR HANDS! 

4 Ways to Stay Sane Amidst the Coronavirus Crises