Why I Traveled ALONE to Europe

Why I Traveled ALONE to Europe

Yep, I did it! 8 days in PARIS, one of my favorite cities, but all by myself! In the end I could not have asked for a better trip but the preparation, or lack thereof, and idea of going across the world all by myself was a bit nerve wracking. I would like to say that this was super exciting and I was pumped and ready to go, but the reality was that going across the world alone can be a bit scary and I was definitely having second thoughts on my way to the airport. I thought to myself “how did this even happen?”

Why I Traveled ALONE to Europe

The idea of traveling alone started a few months prior when I happened to be browsing my travel highlights on Instagram. Last summer I went on an AMAZING trip to Capri with my family, and on the way we had a night in Paris. I hadn’t been to Paris in a few years and being back, especially as an “adult,” made me realize how much I loved the city. The architecture, the history, THE FASHION; there were so many things that I never realized or appreciated when I would go much more frequently as a child. This summer I was extremely busy, and my family was not taking a summer trip as we did most years. I knew that at some point I wanted to get away from the city, especially after an intensive summer interning at a top advertising agency, so the idea of making it happen on my own was a thought in the back of my head. It didn’t really become a real idea until I was looking at tickets and found a price I couldn’t pass up. All of a sudden it was a reality…  I was about to travel to Europe by myself!

Why I Traveled ALONE to Europe

Looking back I couldn’t have made a more amazing decision! 5 of my favorite things about traveling on my own were…

1.     Making my own schedule and not having to negotiate plans with others.

2.     Not feeling pressure to do something at every moment of the day.

3.     Flexibility to try new things  

4.      Openness to meeting new and old friends

5.     Taking as much time as I wanted to get the perfect photo or piece of content #NoShame

I have so many more exciting things to share from this trip and I can’t wait to post them on here, my YouTube channel, and my Instagram.


Why I Traveled ALONE to Europe